
Leon C. Reteig

University Medical Center Utrecht


This notebook contains code for the following project:

Brunekreef TE, Reteig LC, Limper M, Haitjema S, Dias J, Mathsson-Alm L, van Laar JM, Otten HG. Microarray analysis of autoantibodies can identify future Systemic Lupus Erythematosus patients. Human Immunology. 2022 Apr 11. doi:10.1016/j.humimm.2022.03.010

import pandas as pd
import feather 
import os

Load data

read_dir = os.path.join("..", "data","interim")
write_dir = os.path.join("..", "data","processed")
ref_dir = os.path.join("..", "references")
other_imid_smps = pd.read_spss(os.path.join(read_dir, "OtherIMID.sav"),usecols=['samplenr']) # load only sample numbers from this file, as something's wrong with the formatting
all_first = pd.read_spss(os.path.join(read_dir, "Alles 1e sample.sav")) # SLE patients (also has non- and other-IMID data)
non_imid = pd.read_spss(os.path.join(read_dir, "Non-Imid control set.sav"))
tmo = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(read_dir, "TMO.csv")) # blood bank controls (also has data from SLE patients)
rest_smps = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(read_dir, "Restgroep voor vergelijking.xlsx"), engine='openpyxl', usecols=['samplenr']) # contains sample numbers from rest group

# load translation table of columns in TMO.csv vs. the .sav files
df_cols = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(ref_dir, "chip_colnames.csv"), sep=";")
all_first = all_first.set_index('samplenr')
non_imid = non_imid.set_index('samplenr')

The all_first and tmo datasets contain data from more than one group

sle = all_first[all_first.SLE == 1] # subset with only SLE patients
blood_bank = tmo[tmo.Class == "nonSLE"] # subset with only blood bank controls
# fix other-imids
smps_fixed = [f'{_:04}A' for _ in pd.to_numeric(other_imid_smps['samplenr'],downcast='unsigned')] # fix other_imid sample numbers
other_imid = all_first.loc[smps_fixed] # get other-IMIDs from the full dataset
# samples from patients who had no diagnosis at the time, but were later diagnosed with SLE
pre_smps = ['0039A','0159A','0222A','0228A','0575A','0633A','1080A','1117A','1158A','1160A','1166A','1193A','1223A','1305A','1451A','1981A','0972A']
pre_sle = all_first.loc[pre_smps]
# samples from patients who had no diagnosis at the time, or later, and are not in the non-imid group
rest_set = set(rest_smps['samplenr']) - set(non_imid.index)
rest = all_first.loc[rest_set]
# we can also define the rest group less strictly, as "all the remaining samples":
rest_set_large = (set(all_first.index) - # set with all patient data from their first samples
            set(non_imid.index) - # take out the non-IMIDS
            set(other_imid.index) - # take out the other-IMIDS
            set(sle.index) - # take out the SLE patients
            set(all_first.index[all_first.dsDNA2.isna()]) - # take out those patients that weren't run on the chip (dsDNA2 column is empty)
            set(pre_sle.index)) # take out the pre-SLE samples, because we want to compare them to this group
rest_large = all_first.loc[rest_set_large]
# samples from patients with lupus-like disease. N.B this includes 2 pre-sle patients
lld = other_imid[other_imid.LLD==1]
len(set(all_first.index) - # set with all patient data from their first samples
            set(non_imid.index) - # take out the non-IMIDS
            set(other_imid.index) - # take out the other-IMIDS
            set(sle.index) - # take out the SLE patients


The chip columns are called differently in the blood_bank dataset than in the others.

TF TB_all TB_selection
0 Actinin Actinin Actinin
1 anti-IgE antiIgE NaN
3 Beta2GP1 Beta2GP1 Beta2GP1
4 C1q C1q C1q
... ... ... ...
96 NaN Strep15 NaN
97 NaN Strep16 NaN
98 TIF1gamma TIF1gamma TIF1gamma
100 tTG tTG tTG

101 rows × 3 columns

  • TF are the names in blood_bank
  • TB_all are the names in the other dfs
  • TB_selection are names of the variables that should be most interesting (e.g. excluding control spots on the chip).

Each row corresponds to the same variable, but it might have a different name in each column!

Rename the columns in blood_bank as in the other data sets:

new_colnames = df_cols.TB_all[df_cols.TF.notnull()].tolist() # list of new names for blood bank columns
blood_bank = blood_bank.drop(columns='Class') # this column is in blood_bank, but not in the list (we'll add it back later)
blood_bank.columns = new_colnames # rename columns as in other datasets

We want only the rows that have an entry in all three columns: these are the variables we want to use

keep_cols = df_cols.dropna().TB_all.tolist() # names of variables that exist in both datasets, and that are of interest

Aside from diagnosis, we’re also interested in discrimating between patients depending on the presence of these 4 symptoms:

symptoms = ['Arthritis', 'Pleurisy', 'Pericarditis', 'Nefritis']

Likewise, we also want to compare anti-dsDNA measured on the microchip array (dsDNA2) to the standard measurements taken in the clinic (dsDNA1)

lab = ['dsDNA1']

In all datasets, keep only columns of interest

blood_bank = blood_bank.loc[:,keep_cols] # we don't have symptoms info or lab dsDNA for this group
other_imid = other_imid.loc[:,keep_cols+symptoms+lab] 
non_imid = non_imid.loc[:,keep_cols+symptoms+lab]
sle = sle.loc[:,keep_cols+symptoms+lab]
pre_sle = pre_sle.loc[:,keep_cols+symptoms+lab]
rest = rest.loc[:,keep_cols+symptoms+lab]
rest_large = rest_large.loc[:,keep_cols+symptoms+lab]
lld = lld.loc[:,keep_cols+symptoms+lab]

Discard one SLE patient with missing data

sle = sle.dropna(subset=keep_cols) # serum from one SLE patient was not run on chip

And row-bind all the data frames together

# add class to distinguish from others
blood_bank['Class'] = "BBD"
other_imid['Class'] = "IMID" 
non_imid['Class'] = "nonIMID" 
sle['Class'] = "SLE"
# join all data frames together by binding rows
df_all = pd.concat([sle, other_imid, non_imid, blood_bank])
rest['Class'] = "rest"
rest_large['Class'] = "rest_large"
pre_sle['Class'] = "preSLE"
lld['Class'] = "LLD"
df_eval = pd.concat([pre_sle, rest, rest_large, lld])
SLE        483
BBD        361
IMID       346
nonIMID    218
Name: Class, dtype: int64
rest_large    462
rest          415
LLD            28
preSLE         17
Name: Class, dtype: int64

Write data

feather.write_dataframe(df_all, os.path.join(write_dir, "imid.feather"))
feather.write_dataframe(df_eval, os.path.join(write_dir, "rest.feather"))